SSUCHY partners will work towards the development of multifunctional recyclable and/or biodegradable bio-based composites with advanced functionalities for applications in transportation (ground transportation and aerospace) and high value market niches such as the acoustic and electronics sectors.
A bio-based “Monocoque scooter frame” with 100% SSUCHY hemp woven reinforcement is being developed by NPSP and is expected to be finished by the end of 2021.
Some details and key achievements so far:
- With the help of Bristol Composite Institute, a first monocoque scooter frame prototype was redesigned, based on the original steel frame version which contained more than 100 different pieces
- Safety & durability were reinforced by putting in place local strengthening.
- The overall biobased content of the frame was increased
- The expected manufacturing cost were drastically reduced compared to the current process.
If you want to know more about NPSP you can read the article "SUCCESS STORY #3: NPSP – Sustainable Design in Bio-based Composites".
A 100% bio-based and fully recyclable “Trunk loadfloor” is being developed by Trèves and is expected to be finished before by the end of 2021.
Some details and key achievements so far:
- The solution is an alternative to B-Preg® solution that is currently used, composed of glass fibres, honeycomb, and Polyurethane.
- Weight and noise reduction are being targeted.
- Higher damping capacity and better creep resistance at high temperature are also expected.
- To stay competitive in the automotive market, it had to be fast, simple, and compatible with existing production lines
- SSUCHY’s partners are finalizing data analysis on the final selected materials.
A redesigned “Cockpit panel” for electrical aircraft containing a 100% SSUCHY hemp woven reinforcement will be produced by EADCO by the end of 2021.
Some details and key achievements so far:
- With the help of the Bristol Composite Institute, the cockpit panel prototype was entirely redesigned
- The panel is made of a sandwich composite composed of an epoxy flax composite the FlaxtapeTM combined with aerospace-graded foam with a total bio-based content of approximately 40% in weight.
- To our knowledge, SSUCHY’s demonstrator cockpit panel is currently the only biobased structural cockpit part to have reached performances compatible with EUASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) regulations requirements and more specifically the very harsh aircraft specifications and certifications rules (CS-23).
- Various vibro-acoustic and specific properties have started testing.
If you want to know more about EADCO GmbH, you can read the article “SUCCESS STORY #2: EADCO GmbH – We focus on Innovation”
A "Green loudspeaker" belonging to the “Precision series” was produced in a final form by Wilson Benesch’s audio company and a development in the “ACS” series is ongoing.
Some details and key achievements so far:
- The speaker belonging to Wilson Benesch’s “Precision Series" is the first-of-its-kind biobased high-end audio speaker with tangible market possibilities.
- Composed of a woven hemp fabric/GreenPoxy composite developed by the project combined with a recycled PET foam as core which makes it a green flat panel.
- It demonstrated better vibro-acoustic performances that it is fossil-based counterpart at both low (< 80 Hz) and high (> 6 kHz) frequencies when tested at the FEMTO-ST Institute.
- Aesthetic qualities – notably color- are very good.
A strongly applied and industrial research