Who are SSUCHY’s website visitors ?
Who are SSUCHY’s visitors ? For the past few months we have been interested in knowing more about our audience and to learn about who they are and why and how they came visiting our project’s website. The overall idea: being able to reach them more directly through our communication and try to share content that will better match their interests about the SSUCHY project.
On the 8-month period covering July 2020 to February 18th, 2021, 212 visitors kindly answered our welcoming pop-up questionnaire and we would like to address them a warm thank you !
Overall, 80% of the public that heard about SSUCHY did not hear about it from a person linked to the project, demonstrating that well-established and focused communication on websites and social networks – Twitter & Linkedin – helps to raise awareness of the project outside of its primary community. We analysed in a bit more details some of the answers that were provided. One of the first information we collected focused on the visitors profile. We observed a special interest from the “Scientific community” which represent half of our visitors, followed by the “Industry”, both making up around 3 out of 4 visitors of our website. Interestingly, there was a strong interest of people close to the SSUCHY project, both in research and industry which represents the core of SSUCHY’s stakeholders !
The second information we collected dealt with the research or business sector. We noticed the importance of the composites industry which represented a third of our visirots, reflecting the interest of this industry sector in the development of the project that concerns them. In addition, we can mention that not only those involved in the design and transformation process, but also the final beneficiary industries of these innovations are part of our visitors such as automotive, aeronautics and parts manufacturers. Finally, it is worth mentioning that within the “Others” group, professionals from the start of the value chain, farmers being the main visitors. We interpreted it as good news and possibly a nice indicator reflecting the comprehensive side of the website.
If we look at the “why” behind their interest in the world of bio-based composites, the predominant interest is in the environmental and sustainability possibilities they can offer, demonstrating the visitors’ consideration for such concerns. We also noticed interest in technical advantages they can provide, such as weight reduction or enhanced acoustic properties.
Finally, the positions held by the visitors in their respective jobs ranged from junior to senior management, including owners, as well as students from different universities. This indicates that the development and impacts of SSUCHY are of importance to a wide variety of professionals.
We look forward to see how our next communication & dissemination actions will influence our visitors’ data !