Save the date – SSUCHY project organizes its final event on February 9th, 2022

On February 9, 2022, the SSUCHY project final event will be held online and onsite in Besançon. The 17partners will present and demonstrate the results obtained after 4,5 years of work.
Provisional Programme
From 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., scientific and industrial presentations will bring up the achievements on the new bio-based polymers, hemp value chain and the implementation of advanced functionalities in bio-based composites, incorporated in the 4 industrial demonstrators: scooter (NPSP), automotive (Trèves), aerospace (EADCO) and acoustics (Wilson Benesch’s).
Event details
SSUCHY final event, February 9, 2022
Hybrid event: Besançon and online
Registration free but limited and mandatory