Presentation of SSUCHY Project during the TexComp-13 conference in Milan

SSUCHY Project has been presented during the 13th International Conference on Textile Composites (TexComp-13) in the Polytechnic University of Milan by two SSUCHY partners: ENSAIT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries textiles) and UFC (University of Franche-Comté). It took place from 17 to 19 September.
A few words about TexComp:
TexComp is a unique biannual international conference series fully dedicated to textile composites.
The TexComp conference series started in 1992 at KU Leuven, Belgium, and since then TexComp toured around the world.
The conference aims to host scientists engineers and designers, both of academia and Industry from all over the world, to present the latest developments and trends, exchanging ideas and promoting international collaborations in the field of textile composites.
This conference has covered a broad range of research topics such as:
- Innovative textile reinforcements
- Textile composites manufacturing
- Computational model development
- Predictive methods
- Mechanical characterization
- Non-destructive evaluation
Summary of the ENSAIT and UFC presentation:
Currently, natural fibers, and especially flax fibers, are more and more used in composite reinforcements. The main challenge in use of natural fibers for composite applications is the variability of their properties such as their chemical composition, fineness and length from one fiber to another. The origin of this variety is referred to plant, production environment, and defects. The influence of fibers and yarns on mechanical properties of composite reinforcements can be studied with multi-stage analyses. At the yarn stage, studies have shown that length fiber, twist ratio or chemical treatments can influence properties of the woven fabric and the final composite too.
In this study, woven fabrics are produced on a manual dobby loom with different yarns, in terms of yarn count and twist level, in warp and weft directions. The mechanical properties of the produced fabrics are evaluated as well as its components: yarns and fibers. Yarns are characterized before and after weaving. Further, the fiber properties are defined by extracting fibers from the roving. This characterization work performed at multi-stage of the reinforcement permits to study the contribution of the constitutive element, fiber and yarns, properties on the final reinforcement as well as the effect of each fabrication stage on it. That permits to optimize the fabrication processes with optimal settings for production of reinforcement.
Acknowledgements: “This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 744349”.