PhD Thesis Defense of Anne-Clémence Corbin from ENSAIT

Congratulations to Anne-Clémence Corbin for having successfully defended her PhD Thesis in the frame of the SSUCHY Project.
She is the first PhD student to graduate in the frame of the project. The defence took place last Friday the 10th of July 2020, in ENSAIT (Roubaix, France). So far, Anne-Clémence’s work lead to the publication of 2 peer-reviewed articles with first authorship, 5 oral presentation followed by 2 conference proceedings papers and 1 poster in international conference.
Anne-Clémence is now open for a new position in R&D either in public or private organisations.
More information on her Linkedin page :

Anne-Clémence at the start if her PhD defense
TITLE : Development of advanced hemp reinforcements for composites applications
This PhD thesis is a part of the European SSUCHY Project (H2020-BBI) which aims to develop 100% bio-based composite materials, in terms of reinforcements and matrices. The objective of this thesis is the development and the multi-scale characterization of textile reinforcement made of flax fibers and hemp fibers. These reinforcements have to meet the requirements of the industrial applications of SSUCHY Project. First of all, the work focuses on the development of yarns and rovings with sufficient properties foe the manufacturing of the reinforcements by weaving technology. For these yarns and rovings, textile and mechanical properties ar studied. At the scale of the fibers, properties are obtained by the “Impregnated Fiber Bundle Test” (IFBT) method. Reinforcements are produced by weaving technology with different types of yarns. The influence of production parameters is analyzed on textiles properties and on shape forming capability. These caracterization steps allow to build technical data sheets and to choose the reinforcement whose production parameters enables to meet the requirements of the final composite part in the best possible way. Finally, composite plates are manufactured with some of the reinforcements developed, and characterized with tensile tests. Properties of these biocomposites materials are compared with those of biocomposites reinforce by natural fibers from literature or already available on the market.
Supervisor – Mr Damien SOULAT – University Professor – ENSAIT
External Examiner – Mrs. Karine CHARLET – Lecturer – SIGMA Clermont
Examiner – Mr. Christophe BALEY – University Professor – Université de Bretagne Sud
External Examiner – Mr. Johnny BEAUGRAND – Research Director – INRAE
Examiner – Mr. Pierre OUAGNE – University Professor – National School of Engineers in Tarbes (Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes)
Examiner – Mrs. Manuela FERREIRA – Lecturer – ENSAIT
Examiner – Mr. Ahmad Rashed LABANIEH – Lecturer – ENSAIT